Together Digital LogoSummer 2023

Planning Strategically for a Great Year-End: Your Handy Checklist

As the final quarter of the year approaches, sales directors and Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are gearing up for a critical period that can make or break their annual performance. 

The months spanning from September to December often hold the key to determining whether a company can celebrate a successful year or head back to the drawing board. Moreover, a strong finish in this period can set the stage for a robust pipeline in the coming year.

Read our quick and handy checklist tailored to empower sales directors and CMOs with actionable insights to assess and enhance their marketing readiness.

Marketing Tip:

Enhancing site speed and navigation, will ensure your content is easily consumable on mobile devices helping you to achieve your marketing goals.

Content Tip:

Write content for every step of your buyer's journey. Your content should initially attract new visitors and convince hesitant prospects to purchase.

SEO Tip:

Use questions as headings to increase the chances of your content being selected as a rich snippet.

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BeforeSunset AI

Simplify your day with BeforeSunset, an AI daily planner for busy professionals. It aligns your schedule and tasks, and you can sync your calendar to design your plan allowing you to go about your working day with ease.


Watch the award-winning video of Emma Liberty-Stewarts amazing work raising puppies for Irish Guide Dogs

The Power of Video

Runner-up at the International Guide Dog Federation Awards, our legacy video produced for Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind stars Emma Stewart Liberty. As a longtime puppy raiser and brood stockholder for IGDB, Emma tells her story of supporting the charity for many years and talks through her decision of leaving a gift to Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind in her will.

Our track record spans 14+ years of client success. Hiring a marketing agency offers the advantage of an experienced team to help tell your story and break into new markets.

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